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3 Reasons Why You Should Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Before a Workout

March 11, 2019

Experiencing muscle pain or fatigue after exercising is not always a good sign of a hard workout. Moreover, these symptoms often indicate underlying conditions that are amplified when muscles are experiencing strain during a workout. Apple cider vinegar contains many vitamins and minerals that can affect the prevention of muscle pains and provide many other health benefits during and after a workout.

1. Preventing Muscle Pain and Cramps

Most have experienced that painful leg cramp after a hard workout or a long run. However, not all muscle cramps are always results of muscle exhaustion. In fact, nutritional deficiencies of calcium, magnesium or potassium result in an imbalance of electrolytes, which adds stress to muscles while exercising. Containing many vitamins and minerals, apple cider vinegar aids in the replenishing of these lacking nutrients. Additionally, electrolytes that are lost when you sweat are replenished. By drinking apple cider vinegar prior to a workout, these essential nutrients work to prevent muscle pain or cramps from occurring during or after exercising.

2. Increases Energy

Energy is essential to have in order to have the drive to exercise and the strength to keep going during a workout. Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which breaks down fat, thus increasing energy. Additionally, malic acid is able to dissolve toxins which cause weakness and fatigue. Some clinical research has been done that suggests apple cider vinegar aids in weight loss by speeding up the metabolism, but researchers are still needing more information about this potential benefit. Overall, the malic acid found within apple cider vinegar provides a natural source of energy to get you motivated to workout!

3. Balances PH

The base of apple cider vinegar consists of fermented apples, which are known to decrease acid buildup within the body and create pH balance due to its alkalizing nature. This pH balance causes equilibrium in all the systems of the body and keeps the body functioning properly. Having a balanced pH permits a pain-free exercise due to the elimination of acid for muscle tissues. In addition, pH balance plays a critical role in the oxygenation of the body during exercise.

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